
I really like the easels that are used in the videos for creating the I-charts. I am looking for one that is low or can be lower to the floor when writing on it. Can anyone tell be the brand name of a sturdy one like those used in most of the 2 Sisters videos?






If you do a google search for classroom easels, it will show about any easel you can imagine :). I know Really Good Stuff has some easels that are low, and am sure many other school supply stores do as well. Happy shopping!

Michelle McAvoy

Thank you so much! It can be overwhelming with so many selection. Who knew there could be so many different types of easels.

Leslie Gillis

I just bought a Quartet easel on Amazon that is very similar.
The height is adjustable so it can be lowered like the ones in the videos. Hope this helps!

Michelle McAvoy

Thank you! This is the one I had my eye on and did order! I can’t wait for it to be delivered. I know I get excited over the silliest things. Thanks again!

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