
There used to be a slide show story using the shoes to teach about good fit books. I had it bookmarked before the change but now I can’t find it. Does anyone know if it is still available?






There is a separate CD about Choosing Good Fit books the Sisters made. Could the slide show be on that CD?

Judy Richardson

I would love if it was on a CD.I know that it wa a teacher that did a slideshow on the sisters shoe demo for making just right choice. I am not a shoe person. I don’t own any shoes that don’t fit perfectly. LOL! this book walked the students through the demo.


@judyrchrdsn I think this might be the link you are looking for it is a good fit book powerpoint.


Thank you!! That’s a great one to share with teachers to use with their classes at the beginning of the year

Judy Richardson

YES! YES This is IT! Thank you so much! I really aprricaite your finding it!

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