
So I have students in my second grade classroom who can’t even recognize more than 1 site word on the first 100 site words from First Grade. During Read to Self, they are aimlessly flipping through pages of books that they cannot even read. This soon becomes a problem as they get off task quickly, getting out of their seats, asking to use the restroom, etc. It’s day 25 of school, day 20 of implementation and we can’t even get through 10 minutes of stamina building because of this behavior. I’m frustrated, struggling, and feeling like giving up. I have used Daily 5 in the past and I’m a FIRM believer in the need… but I’m not sure what to do.






Wow!! I can feel your worry and concern. Maybe it would help to go back to the Reading Behaviors and practice only those for a bit. Then move slooooowwllyy back through building stamina, and review the I Charts. Take away any choice of what to do that you have given them for a bit of time.
Sometimes we have to take two steps back to get a step ahead–it’s hard, but necessary.
Keep us posted on how it’s going.

Deborah Fuller

Don’t give up! It is so true that every class has their own unique chemistry and challenges. As far as things to try with the students who are struggling with “read to self,” you might try going back to modeling and practicing the 3 ways to read a book, if not In a whole class anchor lesson, then perhaps in a small group of those kids who are struggling. Do you have some students who are doing well with these behaviors who could model for an anchor review lesson, or successful students from your class last year who could come in as “guest” demonstrators? Sometimes peer modeling and pairing can be very powerful in these situations. Good luck to you! Your sincere “teacher’s heart” shines through beautifully in your message.

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