
Continuing the discussion from Did you know the CCPensieve can:


I got myself a tablet with keyboard. It arrived last weekend. I loaded up the CCPensieve et VOILA! I am free! I am still trying to discover things. (For example, can I edit comments already saved? ) However, I feel so much more empowered. My notebook had become overstuffed and I realized I was not adding notes as much as I should. I can also make more meaningful comments as I am not limited by space. The drop down menus are incredibly helpful. An added bonus is that my work space is CLEAR–at Last! (And my students think I am super cool since I am using a tablet.)

Are there online tutorials so I can get all the benefits of this great system?

And, please…if you have anyone hesitating about going this route…send them my way.







I forwarded you posting to the Sisters and Daughters (the developers of the CCPensieve). I know they will LOVE hearing your comments. As you go through your learning of using the CCP, post your comments so others can learn from your learning.
So happy for you–and can definitely relate to your elation!!

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