I have just a couple of quick questions:
Is there anyway to make the check in have a drop down menu? I teach 2nd grade and would love to be able to have them check in on their own… I was thinking a drop down menu would be easy for younger students?
I have been showing the CCPensieve to our math teachers and they have loved the idea, one of our questions is if they are going to have set strategies eventually placed in the Math section similar to the reading strategies posted?
I also wanted to see if there was any update on the editing option for checking-in the students?
Thanks so much for your support! Chicago was amazing and since coming back I have been using the CCPensieve and have been introducing it to all our teachers. We are so excited!
I’ll pass your thoughts along to the Developers–good ideas!
I can answer a part of your question. The Sisters have said that they won’t have set strategies for math, as math is not as “standard” in the strategies needed as reading is. They suggest following the NCTM strategies, which is what they have based Math Daily 3 on.
I have tried to pick out a few strategies I use often and keep that list by my side (well, in a file on my desktop). That way I can go in and copy them easily into the math area. Sometimes I just put in the goal once and keep the strategy the same until I change it. Then I might change the goal. It’s my own short-cut way to keep track without typing everything each time.
I’ve been checking for the editing feature as well :). I’m sure it will be up soon.
Isn’t it fun to share the CCPensieve once you get started??
Fabulous news!! The edit/delete capability for the new Check In is up and running!! If you look at the bottom of each column, you’ll see an edit button. When you click on that, you have the opportunity to change the coding in each box. Then you can save, cancel or delete the column. Very easy to do.
Try it out, and let us know how it works for you!
So I had a question similar to this that was answered… Sort of. Is there any talk of putting those NCTM strategies in there as a drop down? Or and editable drop down menu that we could add our own strategies or standards into for math 3?
Not at this point. However, you can add your own strategies; unfortunately, you have to do that every time. I haven’t worked on a math “menu of strategies”, but did with writing. So, when I’m conferring with writing, I open up the word document I have those strategies in, and copy and paste into the CCPensieve. Not a perfect answer, but it does work :).
I’d love to hear others’ ideas, as well.
I write all of my students names on business card magnets at the beginning of the year and I put them on the board. Every morning my students check in with what they are doing that day RW for read-write and WR for write read. IT works well, does not take up class time and it also serves as a great attendance checker as well
Title | Category | Replies | Views | Activity |
memberships | CCPensieve | 0 | 565 | 1 year 7 months |
conferring notebook | CCPensieve | 0 | 889 | 2 years 6 months |
CCPENSIEVE | CCPensieve | 1 | 1.8k | 6 years 3 months |
Custom Goals and Strategies | CCPensieve | 3 | 1.6k | 6 years 4 months |
ccpensieve - identifying students with the same strategy need to form a group | CCPensieve | 2 | 1.6k | 6 years 5 months |
CcPensieve/Reading Intervention | CCPensieve | 7 | 3.9k | 6 years 6 months |
Importing students to your class from previous teacher who has shared them | CCPensieve | 1 | 1.6k | 6 years 6 months |
Purchasing the Online Version of the CCPensieve | CCPensieve | 1 | 2.3k | 6 years 8 months |
Group and Individual data | CCPensieve | 5 | 1.8k | 6 years 11 months |
How do I add Group Sessions to Calendar? | CCPensieve | 1 | 1.8k | 7 years 1 week |
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