
Hello! I've heard that some teachers have a sideshow going on PowerPoint that is timed to move through the different cycles of Daily 5. During each cycle, the selected slide will display what cycle, each task, and which students will be engaged in each task. I am wondering when teachers who use PowerPoint in this way have time to type in who selected what. In my district, we are encouraged to have students pick all of their tasks for each cycle in the morning by placing a card to represent each task on a pocket chart. Would most teachers be filling in their slides with students' choices during Morning Work? I love this idea, but need ideas on how to make it work!

Thank you!






This isn't something from Gail and Allison, so it would be word of mouth (or word by post) to get that information.  I'm not sure I understand how choice by students would work with this.  We'll see if someone will fill us all in ;).  

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