
I have a question about instruction. This coming year will be my first year attempting CAFE as my main reading instruction (2nd year teaching). I have found the lit-lessons helpful but here is my question: Are all of my lessons based on a read-aloud? I am trying to figure out various ways to teach the strategies, including utilizing anchor charts, but I am getting a little stuck. When practicing the strategy, am I using similar language each time but just demonstrating with a different book? Thank you for any help you can provide!






Hi TiffTowne,

Did you decide on what to do?

I am thinking about using a few different things as mini lessons but I am fairly new to all of this and still trying to get my head around the best way for my group of kids. I am thinking I will start with looking at their persuasive writing and speeches. I am going to introduce the marking rubric to them today so they know what I am looking for and we will look at a "great speech" and I will point out some keey areas of the speech and the marks for that. The second mini lesson I think we will look at the students working together to mark some speeches.


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