Displaying 11 - 20 of 127 Search Results

Open-ended questions are valuable if we want to stimulate thinking and foster deeper understanding in our students.

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We are in a highly capable sixth grade classroom where Ann Anderson displays her students' CAFE Menu.

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Shannon Campbell shares some alternative seating options for her fifth-grade students with Gail.

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Hello fellow educators! Can anyone share their thoughts about NOT bringing older students (4th and 5th) back to the meeting space throughout the Daily 5? Pros/Cons of doing so? During the Daily 5, there would be 1 mini lesson and then you send the learners out and they get choice on how long and...

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This activity is a quick way to discover how well you students know the CAFE strategies.

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This must-watch video models respectful and straightforward language to a student who is not following through with the expectation to read each day.

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These sixth grade students might blow you away with their knowledge of how to go about selecting a book that is truly a good fit.

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In this video, Joan introduces the comprehension strategy cause and effect to a small group of sixth graders. 

Forum Topic
Hi.This year I am teaching a combined kindergarten and grade one class, and this is all new to me as I was teaching older children for the past 8 years. I am wondering how frequently should I read with all my students. I am finding it difficult to meet with all students, manage centers and daily 5...


Regie Routman once told us that when we assess a stuent we need to share the results with them, as they own the results.

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