Displaying 111 - 120 of 126 Search Results

Our answer isn’t as straightforward and direct as many people would like. We consider three things to decide if stamina has been broken. Take a look. 


Here are five different ideas Jen McDonough uses in her classroom for supporting students who don't know what to write about.

Article - Link

Here are ways we can encourage students to use their reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities, research skills, and critical thinking to make author studies come alive.


READ TO SELF. Week 3 is where the launch of Daily 5 in kindergarten blends nicely with the launch of Daily 5 in other grade levels. We follow the 10 Steps to Independence and build stamina to become better readers.


WORK ON WRITING. After the foundation lessons are secure in kindergarten, we start with the 10 Steps to Independence and the creation of the Work on Writing I-chart.

Tip of the week
August 14, 2015

Tip of the week
Favorite Read-Alouds from Friends A Critical Lesson When Beginning Work on Writing Setting Book Goals Every Day is the Best Day of the Year

Tip of the week
August 15, 2014

Tip of the week
Building Fluency and Expression in Older, Struggling Reader Opportunity to Read Adjusting Student Goals Based on Current Assessments b-Resilient: Welcome the Butterflies

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