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Make Sharing A Priority

March 22, 2012


Last week we had a school assembly scheduled in the middle of our reading block. Performers acted out poetry, engaging students and staff in a fun, interactive show. The children were eager to be a part of this exciting and educational experience. Upon returning to the classroom, we discussed the assembly then continued on with our daily routine. Towards the end of our literacy block, I rang the chimes and told the children that, unfortunately, we would not have time to share because it was lunch time. The children were disappointed, but they understood.

Know the Rules, Follow Some

January 20, 2012

I (Joan) was in a bind this week. I was preparing to leave town and hadn't received needed prescriptions from my mail prescriptive program. Since I needed to fill them before leaving, I physically went to the two doctors offices where I'd received them to see if they could help. The two responses I received were vastly different...

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