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Notifications We Can't Silence

March 28, 2025

My phone is constantly buzzing with notifications—someone is at the front door, my internet connection is weak, an Amazon order has shipped, my Target pickup is ready, a storm is on the way, Wayfair has a sale (again). The list goes on. While I turn off notifications for some apps, I leave others on, because even though they can be a bit much, I do appreciate the reminders. For the most part, it’s a convenience.

Handling Hard Moments

March 21, 2025

Samantha Behne

Recently, I walked into school and immediately felt the weight in the air. Teachers were hugging, eyes were red, voices were quiet. I quickly learned why: A former student had passed away unexpectedly the night before. He was only 12.

I never had the chance to teach him, but his cousin is in my class now, and my heart ached for everyone who knew him. It’s not the way anyone wants to start the day. It’s one of those moments when words feel useless, and no matter what you say, it won’t fix what’s broken.

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